Local Supporters Wall of Fame

Bluebells Day Centre is a very small, independent, local charity with no parent organisation to help smooth out the financial peaks and troughs that occur from time to time. Thankfully, there are several other local organisations that have helped Bluebells consistently over the years and we would like to thank them here for their invaluable support.

The Lions Club of Henley-on-Thames were the first organisation to support Bluebells, presenting us with our very first cheque which we used to open our bank account and get started back in February 2019. Since then, the Henley Lions have supported Bluebells regularly and we are very grateful for their long term commitment to us.

Henley-on-Thames Town Council Logo

Henley Town Council had awarded a grant to the original Bluebells Day Centre, then operated by AgeUK, but when that organisation folded, the council transferred the remaining grant funds over to us to help us get started. They subsequently awarded us a grant of our own and their support has proved crucial during our first few years.

Bluebells partnered with the Henley Handybus right from the start to help our guests get safely to us and home again. When we expanded our service, the Henley Handybus quickly rejigged their schedule to accommodate us and we are so grateful for the service they provide.

Philippa Sanders, of Pipsticks Walks, has been raising hundreds of pounds each year for Bluebells with her annual “Bluebells for Bluebells” guided walks, taking hikers on tours of some of the best places to see Bluebells in the woodlands around Henley. Thank you so much Pip!

Henley Manor Care Home reached out to us at Bluebells just after they opened their home on Mill Lane and have continued to support us ever since, raising hundreds of pounds every year, from a variety of fundraising events.